Environmental archaeology

Our environmental archaeology team have a wide range of skills and contribute to regional, national and international projects.

We have expertise in a range of challenging sites, including wetland, floodplain, urban and contaminated areas. Working closely with our excavation team, we can offer comprehensive sampling advice and enable a more cohesive archaeological interpretation of the site. Our aim is to provide integrated palaeo-environmental reports, combining work carried out both in-house and by a range of trusted external specialists. We also contribute to strategic projects, for example enhancing the Worcestershire Historic Environment Record (HER) with environmental data and mapping areas of high palaeo-environmental potential.

Specialist services include:

  • Environmental project management
  • Plant macrofossils
  • Pollen
  • Wood/charcoal

We can undertake:

  • Environmental sampling in the field
    For example during evaluation or full excavation, borehole and auger surveys.
  • Sample processing
    This includes: flotation of bulk environmental samples; processing of specialist samples for plant remains, insects and molluscs; wet-sieving for animal bone and treatments for pollen extraction and other macrofossils.
  • Assessment reporting and full analysis
    Reports range from rapid assessments to full analysis and interpretation for publication, following Historic England guidelines.
  • Handling material for radiocarbon dating
    We process samples, extract appropriate material and advise on Bayesian chronological modelling, where appropriate.
  • Analysis for community projects
    Training local people in environmental analysis of samples, auger surveys and other environmental surveys, along with living history activities that replicate, for example, ancient food production and processing.

Meet our post-excavation team

Contact us

Call us: 01905 765908
Email us: worcestershirearchaeology@worcestershire.gov.uk

Our Clients Include